The Seaの動画は曲名から海の写真を連ねた作品で、イメージに浸れる作品で共感を覚えて張り付けました。
この曲の前に”Winter Winds”をの動画を探したのですが、あまり面白いものが見つからりませんでいた。
“The Sea” Sandy Denny
Do I ever wonder? You don’t know.
You’ll never follow, and I’ll never show.
D’you see the water and watch it flow
And float an empty shell,
And you think that I’m hiding from the island.
You’ve a fault in your senses. Can you feel it now?
Time? What is that? I’ve no time to care.
I’ve lived for a long while nearly everywhere.
You will be taken, everyone, you ladies and you gentlemen.
Fall and listen with your ears upon the paving stone.
Is that what you hear? The coming of the sea?
Sea flows under your doors in London town.
And all your defences are all broken down.
You laugh at me on funny days, but mine’s the slight of hand.
Don’t you know I am a joker, a deceiver?
And I’m waiting for the land.
【巻末註】Sandy Denny
この記事を「くまじいノート」から「Southern Wind」へ移転するために記事を補足しようと思い、Wikipediaのサンディ・デニーを確認しました。(2016年1月10日)
1978 年の3月末の休日、娘ジョージアがコーンウェルの両親に預けられている時に、サンディはコンクリートに頭を打ち付けた状態で階段の下に倒れていたのを見いだされる。
The funeral took place on 27 April 1978 at Putney Vale Cemetery. After the vicar had read Denny’s favourite psalm – Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd) – a piper played “The Flowers of the Forest”, a traditional song commemorating the fallen of Flodden Field. The inscription on her headstone reads, “The Lady Alexandra Elene MacLean Lucas (Sandy Denny) 6.1.47 – 21.4.78.”
John Harris
Inevitably, this was not all the stuff of rock’n’roll high jinks. Her propensity for excess eventually turned pathological; worse still, her appetites extended way beyond what was available in the off licence. In 1977, she became pregnant; it was then that her closest friends began to feel truly anxious. “I was worried when she was pregnant, because I knew she was doing drugs and drinking,” says Linda Thompson. “And later on, she was crashing the car and leaving the baby in the pub and all sorts of stuff. And that was worrying. I’ve said it before about Nick Drake: these days, we might have done an intervention or something. But back then, you thought people would grow out of it.
“When I went to see her in the hospital after she’d had the baby, I was terribly worried. The baby was premature. She’d abused herself during pregnancy – and she said, ‘They’re giving me such a hard time, telling me off. What about me?’ And I thought, ‘God, that’s so peculiar.’ When you’ve just had a baby, you don’t think about yourself at all. By that time, I thought it was a little bit psychotic.”
In March 1978, Denny and her newborn daughter Georgia took a holiday with her parents in Cornish cottage. She fell down a flight of stairs, and subsequently complained of severe headaches, for which she was prescribed a painkiller called Distalgesic. If mixed with alcohol they can be fatal. A month later, she was dead, thanks to what the coroner later called a “traumatic mid-brain haemorrhage”. It is one of the more tragic aspects of her death that when she fell into a terminal coma, her husband and baby were elsewhere; fearing for his daughter’s safety, Trevor Lucas had travelled with Georgia to his native Australia. As with so many musicians’ stories, the tale is more a matter of grinding dysfunction than of any hedonistic romance.
This month sees the re-release of Denny’s four solo albums, augmented with an array of bonus tracks, and contextualised via sleeve notes that make the case for her promotion to the part of musical history reserved for accredited pioneers. “She’s been namechecked by some high-profile people,” considers Ashley Hutchings. “But she needs to be re-evaluated. She wrote a kind of song that’s very rarely written now – emotional, musically interesting, sung really well – serious songwriting. She was head and shoulders above the rest. And she remains so.”
· The North Star Grassman and the Ravens, Sandy, Like an Old Fashioned Waltz and Rendezvous are out now on Island/Universal. Burning Bright, Ashley Hutchings’ box set, is out on Free Reed Music. Linda Thompson appears with Martha Wainwright in Strange How Potent at the Lyric Hammersmith (box office: 08700 500 511), London W6, on May 12, 13 and 14.